Monday, November 26, 2012

Welcome Back

Welcome Back!

We had a fun short week last Monday & Tuesday.
Here is a sneak peek of what our classes were working on:

Last week the school had also started a can food drive!

Our goal is to raise 1200 cans for the entire school. Any non perishable food item is welcome!
Thanks for helping our students help others in need! 

Today we sent home information about the 6 Flags read to succeed.
The paper attached should explain any questions you may have. This is not due until FebruaryIf there are any questions left unanswered this FAQ site may help.

* Your child's reading folder time may be recorded for this log*

Here are our weekly words:

Please remember to be reading your books each night and study for the spelling test Friday!

You can always check out our PISD class page also! 


Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

We hope everyone took the time to thank those who served in our military today.
We had a beautiful assembly today in honor of those who have served and are still serving today. 

Thank you to those that joined in our celebration by either helping, reading, singing or being in attendance to be honored. We were very pleased to spend such a special day with you all.

This week we are focusing on short u with some review words.
Here is this week’s spelling list


These are other words we will be practicing this week: 
visual vocabulary cards

Don’t forget:

Your child’s reading folder should only return on the day listed at the bottom of their folder.
Log your reading at least 3 times per book.

We have been talking about diversity in our Integrated Curriculum.

We wrapped up this part of the unit with classifying different types of food to compare how things can be the same yet different. Our classes worked on this diagram together:

These upcoming weeks we will be looking at maps. We will be talking about the compass rose while learning how to locate, direct, and navigate directions on a map.

Just a quick reminder:
We have noticed a collection of coats that get left behind on a daily basis, please make sure to put your child’s initials or name on their clothing so we can find their homes! 

I will try to update every Monday with the new spelling words and a weekly recap. I will try my best to have another update towards the end of the week so check back weekly.

Thank you for all that you do!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

We are thankful

We are thankful for...

This week our classes have been focusing what we are all thankful for.
Below is a little sneak peak of a friend that might be making their way home to you.
These fine feathered friends were a fun way for everyone to stop and think of what we should all be thankful for 

Giving thanks to....

On Monday, November 12th Saigling will be celebrating those veterans who have served in our military.
The assembly is at 1:30 p.m. in the cafeteria.

This list will be tested Friday! Good luck! 

Thursday night is. . . 

Come and stop by the 1st grade hall to have a little fun! Our exciting insects will be making their move around 6:30 p.m. Hope to see you there!
**Don't forget the book fair will be open also!** 

Please don't forget:

  • Each student has their weekly reading folder. This should be read each night and returned on the day assigned (1 week later). (ex. your child brings home their books Wednesday night, it will return the following Wednesday

Here are also some websites that may be fun to do at home to practice on some of the skills that we have been working on this past few weeks:

  • This is fun way to watch the base blocks explode into pieces across the place values!
  • This is a fun way to free play with pattern blocks
  • This is a new concept we are working with: geoboard practice.

Thank you for all that you do!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Welcome to our First Grade Blog!

We are trying this new idea out to keep everyone up to date on what is going on in our classrooms!
We are excited to share your children's learning experiences with you while also keeping you up to date with school functions!

November 5th-9th

Saigling’s fall Book Fair is 
November 5th – 9th 
from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. 
On Wednesday, November 7, Early Release, 
Book Fair will only be open from 
8:30 am to 11:00 am.

Our annual Book Fair Family Night will be Thursday, November 8th.

This is the same night as Creepy Crawly, so much fun you won’t want
to miss it! 
On November 8th, Book Fair will be open continuously from 2:45 pm to 8:00 pm, although the PTA meeting followed by Creepy Crawly Night does not start until 6:30 pm

**Please use the atrium doors located off Mission Ridge to enter the building for Book Fair prior to 6:30 pm.

Here’s how the Book Fair works: 

During the week, each child visits the Book Fair with their class and makes his or her purchases. You and your family are invited to come during any of our open hours. Be sure to check in at the office when you arrive. We have books for all ages, including adults! We think you’ll be happily surprised at the varied selection and reasonable prices.
Besides bringing affordable, appropriate books to our school, a goal of our Book Fair is to increase classroom libraries. One way is with the Classroom Wish List, which allows you to donate books to your child’s classroom in your family’s name. Be sure to look for the Classroom Wish List display when you arrive.

Again, we invite you to come visit our “Mad About Books” Book Fair. 
Your children will be glad you did and so will you!

Book Fair Dress-up Days: 

Monday – “Reading about science is the BEST!”

(Show you are mad about science crazy hair day!)

Tuesday – “I’m a nerd – you’re a nerd!” “I’m mad for books – you’re mad for books!” 

(Dress as a nerd or twin - better yet be a twin nerd with your friends)

Wednesday – “Creepin’ & Crawlin’ in search of great books!”

(Slipper or sock day wear slippers, mix- matched socks, colorful socks, crazy socks, etc.)

 Thursday – “Blackout Day!”

(Wear as much black as possible and dress appropriately black shirt, black pants/skirt, black
socks, black hair bow, black hat, etc.)

Friday – “Mad About Books Day!”

(Wear appropriate pajamas and curl up with a good book.)

Sincerely, Stephanie Roberts

Don't Forget! 

  • Keep reading each night with your child and log your books (read at least 3 times)
  • All homework is due by or before Thursday of the week given
  • Practice for your spelling test on Friday

Early Release is WEDNESDAY, 11/7/12 at NOON!

Check back in on this site for more up to date news and information about your first grade class!