Monday, November 12, 2012

Veteran's Day

We hope everyone took the time to thank those who served in our military today.
We had a beautiful assembly today in honor of those who have served and are still serving today. 

Thank you to those that joined in our celebration by either helping, reading, singing or being in attendance to be honored. We were very pleased to spend such a special day with you all.

This week we are focusing on short u with some review words.
Here is this week’s spelling list


These are other words we will be practicing this week: 
visual vocabulary cards

Don’t forget:

Your child’s reading folder should only return on the day listed at the bottom of their folder.
Log your reading at least 3 times per book.

We have been talking about diversity in our Integrated Curriculum.

We wrapped up this part of the unit with classifying different types of food to compare how things can be the same yet different. Our classes worked on this diagram together:

These upcoming weeks we will be looking at maps. We will be talking about the compass rose while learning how to locate, direct, and navigate directions on a map.

Just a quick reminder:
We have noticed a collection of coats that get left behind on a daily basis, please make sure to put your child’s initials or name on their clothing so we can find their homes! 

I will try to update every Monday with the new spelling words and a weekly recap. I will try my best to have another update towards the end of the week so check back weekly.

Thank you for all that you do!

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