Monday, December 3, 2012

Together We "Can"

We are continuing our food drive this week and it will end on Friday 11/7/12

This week is our review week of what we have been working on in Unit 2:
There are 30 words to review. On Friday only 10 will be chosen for our test.

hop     leg       spill     run      fish
top      beg      spin     fun      shop

log       men    grab    nut      ship
hog      hen     grass   cut       with 
hot      let        drop    bug     thin 
 lot        get       drip     rug      thank

For this week our homework will be to write 5 sentences with at least 2 words from the list above in each. 

Ex.  The men can cut the grass. 


Label Coats
Keep reading each night
Turn in homework by Thursday

Thank you for all that you do!

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